Let’s talk about your backyard hopes and dreams. Whether you already have a smokeless fire pit, are looking to get one or just need some fresh backyard fire pit inspiration, you might have some questions on how to best utilize your outdoor space. We’ve pulled together 3 of our top backyard styling principles to help you make your outdoor living dreams come true.

Principle #1: Define the purpose of your space
This will determine the focal point in your yard, as well as how you divvy up your space. Think through how you use your outdoor space most. Is your current use how you want it to be used? Is there anything you wish you could do in your space? If you were only able to keep the backyard for one thing or it would all go away, what would that thing be? Answering questions like these can help you determine what you really value in your backyard. From there you’ll be able to choose the focal point of the yard. If fair-weather outdoor dining is your key purpose, then maybe your table and chairs should be central. Maybe you think gathering in the evenings with friends is top priority, so you’d position your fire pit as the prominent feature. If tossing football with the kids is your core backyard value, then you’re probably going to look for ways to block off a large open space and put everything else around it.

Principle #2: Find what sparks joy in your outdoor space
In her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, Marie Kondo describes a process for tidiness based around only keeping items that spark joy, and omitting objects that no longer do. This same process can apply to planning your backyard elevation.
If your current patio furniture layout no longer sparks joy, what’s keeping you from switching it up or moving it around? Whatever your backyard layout may be, if it's not fitting your current lifestyle or has gotten outdated over time, a change might be in order. A full landscape redesign and patio space could do the trick, but maybe all it takes is a new chair and a potted herb garden to switch things up.
Principle #3: Design with the long-term in mind

This principle really refers to the balance of where you are in life and where you’re going. Maybe today you need a space for the kids to get out of the house, but (what feels like) tomorrow, you’ll need a space more fitted for outdoor hosting and dining. Whatever updates you make to your yard now can be vetted by asking questions like “Will I still like this layout in 5 years? 10 years?”, “What will it take to change it if I don’t?” and “What might I add to this plan down the road?”. These kinds of questions can help you plan accordingly and save you precious time and money in the long run.
Now that we’ve brainstormed your outdoor living space together, let’s make your backyard fire pit inspiration become your reality. Browse the X Series and check out options for either placing it in your patio masonry with the Insert Ring, or keeping it freestanding as a stainless steel or patina accent piece. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help!.